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Important Questions for IGNOU PGDCFT MSCCFT MCFT003 Exam with MainPoints for Answer - Unit 3 Career Counselling
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Unit 3 Career Counselling
1. Who is career counselling meant for?
For people with vocational problems
2. Define Career Counselling.
Career counselling is defined as an interpersonal process designed to assist individuals in career development. It is a process of choosing and entering, adjusting to and advancing in a vocation.
3. How is Career Counselling different from other forms of counselling? / What is the distinctive feature of career counselling?
The major difference between career counselling and counselling for other personal and social concerns lies in the additional information gathered in the area of occupations.
4. Would you recommend career counselling to a person who has mixed motivations about two or more different occupations?
5. What are the influences on an individual's career choice? / Discuss the various factors that can influence a career decision in one's life.
Apart from family, peers, life events and social norms influence an individual's career choice.
6. What is the major task of the counsellor who is oriented towards trait factor theory?
To help the individual match personal characteristics with job requirements.
7. According to the social learning theory, what influences an individual's perception of realistic career options?
Genetics, environment, learning experiences and task approach skills
8. What do aptitude tests measure?
Client's specific ability
9. What are the four stages of career counselling? / Describe the career counselling process.
- Building the relationship,
- Enabling clients' self-understanding,
- Exploring new perspectives,
- forming strategies and plans
10. What does card sort technique help in identifying?
An individual's skill and value system
11. What are the theories of career counselling?
- Trait-factor theory
- Structural Theories
- Developmental Theories
- Decision Making Theories
- Social Learning Theory
- Community Interaction Theory
12. What are the major techniques in career counselling?
- Card sorts
- Aptitude Tests
- Vocational Interest Inventories
- Personality Inventories
- Use of Computer-Assisted Programmes
- Interview Roleplay
- Information Services
- Special Techniques for Adolescents
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